VISAL'S Bro ka mariage reception provided al d bulls n cows, a chance 4 reunion...........
v al xactly njoyd d time realy v.much, despite d fact of havin a univ.xam d v.next day................
realy wana unleash with al d bulls n cows aftr tis xamz .............
realy lukin forward 4 tat////////////////
HOP IT WIL HAPPEN......................[:)]
photoyil makku illaliyaaaaaaaaaaa...
he was there n the function....
And Manu when you post, do mention the names of those who were present.....
Aliyanmarude sneham kando... Kettipidiche photokku pose cheyyu...
Pls support
True Love
Look at KD's eyes who is he looking.
Then follow that person's eyes. Now follow that persons sight.
What do you infer ?
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