We are a bunch of friends ready to do anything.

So we decided why don't we give a try at blogging so here we are at the finest place for blogs.

Here you will find bULLS namely Suraj, Peter, Manu,Visal, Vishnu, Arunvishnu, Krishna Das, Aswin, Peter, Hari, Parthiv and Mahesh.
You will also find cOWS namely Reshma, Rameeza, Indu and Aswathy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Study HOLIDAYS "!@#$"

Dudes and dudets I'm home from today onwards till the first week o december. 

My S5 classes are over, got through both ma lab exams with partial OP. Now I'm facing the ultimate test of surviving in my house with no body around, no outgoing in phones, no internet and no LAPTOP (will get it tomo or so). I'm in the middle of giant heaps of photocopies notes and text books borrowed from classmates.

So if anybody wanna rescue me from the vicious dust-mites living in those books jus drop by my house after 10 am (Thas when I wake up.).

FYI Vishnu left to Chennai and will be back in no time to enjoy the remaining 5 months of 'is ...ension after his sem exams.

Hang round sometimes. C ya then. 

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