We are a bunch of friends ready to do anything.

So we decided why don't we give a try at blogging so here we are at the finest place for blogs.

Here you will find bULLS namely Suraj, Peter, Manu,Visal, Vishnu, Arunvishnu, Krishna Das, Aswin, Peter, Hari, Parthiv and Mahesh.
You will also find cOWS namely Reshma, Rameeza, Indu and Aswathy.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A surprise I wouldn't forget.

Before I start the post let me thank Shabna, Renji, Ebin, Vishnu and especially Bimal and Nadia for what they did to me yesterday at Oberon.
(All the above mentioned people are my classmates in Rajagiri pls dont get confused :p)

It all started when Bimal called me up day before yesterday asks me to be at Oberon as we all our good friends in class is coming. Me having no bike is actually reluctant to go. Yesterday morning he calls me again and asked me when I was leaving for Oberon. But I as usual in the vacation woke up late after my parents left.

I told Bimal some reason and told him that I'm not sure of coming. At 1:30 pm he calls again asking me I'm coming or not. This time I told him clear cut that my pockets are empty and theres no way of me getting there in time before they leave. But he and Nadia insists and tells me I gotta get to Oberon else I'll have to suffer the consequences (which I'm not mentioning here :) ).

Well the call made by Nadia and Bimal puts me on the overdrive, and all the bULLs know nothing can stop a charged bULL. So I manage to get a 100 rupee note and I reach Aswin's house and borrowed his Pulsar and at 3:15 I'm at Oberon.

Unsuspeting of what is in store for me I call Bimal and asked where he is and I headed to the Food Circle where they all were waiting for me. As I met them I learn that Ebin has also joined them and just after I take my seat Nadia hands me a beautifully wrapped gift and a birthday card.

The moment froze, my thoughts went through all the beautiful things that we did during our plus two. I didn't know what to tell all of them. I managed to tell something but I later figured out that I ruined it.

We all were having food and Vishnu came by and Ebin went home as he had to go to bangalore.

We then got out of the food circle and we sat on the front steps of the Oberon mall for long time we took some pics (those are with Nadia) and chit chat continued till 6:00 pm and we returned to our homes.

It was a day I'll never forget in my life. They were all there for me. All wished me Happy Birthday in advance and what I do ? I told thanks atleast at a 100 different occassions. When I'm with Bimal and Nadia it feels like I'm with you guys.

They are the best friends I have made in Rajagiri.



i'm feeling jealous

mahesmohan said...

even me I envy all those with girlfriends


poda makriiiiii