hey frnds....
i was really overwhelmd by d lov n care u al hav 4 ma.....ma bday,ie..2dy was full of surprises n happy moments...!!! frm d strt of d day,ie 12am,wishes wer infact flowin...ros wished ma first followed by liya,n then all d bulls includin arun sang bday songg 4 ma via cnfrance cal...aftr d cal,arnd 10 othr frnds cald ....vodafon cnfrance rokkzz....!!
thn err, 1 of ma frnd said 2 chek undr ma bed,wer ,a damn surprise was waitin...a gift rite undr ma bed at 12am!!!! n u jst imagine hw hapy n pleasd iam 2 b surprised by ma frnds...thnx 2 ros[who made al d plans n gv directions],arun [who implemented it smoothly] ,nidhi n vishnu n then 2 ma mom who actd perfectly.....
as tey pland arun gav d gift 2 ma mom arnd 12 noon tat day..ma was sleepin in humantics txt....1nnum arinjilla.....thn evryting hapnd accordin 2 teir plan....!!
and 2dy aftr 2 gud 4 nothin xams,ma went 2 canteeen as usual..al of ma clasmates was ter...2 ma surprise/horror,arun n ros pulled out a whiteforst cake 2 d table n within a min evry1 was singin happy bday song...!!! u jst imagine, ter r teachrs n stdnts frm diffrnt sems in canteen...infrnt of them ma clasmates giv a surprise bday party....!! so swweeeet....!! d whole canteen came 2 a halt..aftr cake cuttin,d usual stuff,....evry1 painted ma wit cake...paaru n aswin joind by d way..n evry1 had cake then departd...2 me tis bday was full of surprises...!! n thnax 4 al ma dear frnds who gav ma such wndrful day....!!
It seems ma grude against ur ROSE is subsiding.
I guess me wanna meet her someday...
even though you had some horrible experiences in the past you are lucky... you got some one better na..
your post makes me cry..
makes me cry
da i hop 2 hav tis luck 4evr...bt only god knws wat ma hav in kitty....
n i posted tis only bcz i just wana share hw hapy ma was tat day...hmmm...bt tings changin evryday dude....u cant predict was arnd d corner....!!!!!!!!!
are you tellin ME that things WILL change ?
i dnt knw man wer tis gonna end...!!!
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