Last day I went through our tour photos and I found this photo.
Its been long since I,
heard Manu saying Mr. Anderson.
heard a single valip from Visal that reminds me somebody is still there to compete.
was advised by Suraj which helps me to be better useful.
was stunned by Hari's chiseled body which gets better every time I see him.
saw Vishnu in his coolest looks that reminds me I need more exercises.
saw Paaru and his unconditional love to Indu that made me jealous since Subha still ignores me.
saw Aswin riding his Pulsar reminding me to take care of my bike.
saw KD and had a row with him.
saw Arun and took a ride in his Willys.
heard Peter calling Aliya that made me feel more responsible.
saw Reshma and called her Thatha.
got a misscall from Aswathy that made me call her and talk to her.
saw MR and callled her Muringakol.
saw Rameeza and make fun of her.
heard from Kindi who is always busy with Paaru in call.
long since I met Subha. I haven't even seen her photo for long as I lost my mobile.
Its been long since we all met. I guess its time.
All the bULLS and cOWS please post a comment. I just want to know who all are the frequent visitors.
See you there.
Makku aka Mahesh Mohan
MAKKUUUUUUUUUUU....... You are the man....................
Ur words TOUCHED MY HEART & I hope that it will do the same to other too........................
When are you comin home dude ?
it touched my heart deeply
miss u all too much
.......,,,,,, :(
words dried up.....
I am not sure when but most probably I will be able to come during the first week of October.........
Njan karanju poyi... Da enthanda ithu.. Njanum ithokke aalochikkarundu.. Entha cheyya.. Need a gettogether na:-)
u know hw 2 use wordzz makku....
ma only wana say u tat, " GO N USE IT AT RITE PERSONS" n STOP MOANIN<>>>!!! U CAN DO IT>> jST DO IT>>>
Nostalgia....... Nostalgiaaaaa.... Aliya i love cyber bulls...... wanna see you all sooonnnn.... surajeeeee onnu vaaaaaa..... elllarum orumichulla aa sweet moments , atu veendedukkan kothiyavunnedeeeeee.....
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