So we decided why don't we give a try at blogging so here we are at the finest place for blogs.
Here you will find bULLS namely Suraj, Peter, Manu,Visal, Vishnu, Arunvishnu, Krishna Das, Aswin, Peter, Hari, Parthiv and Mahesh.
You will also find cOWS namely Reshma, Rameeza, Indu and Aswathy.
Friday, June 27, 2008
At last moment of truth.>>!!!!!!!!
v bullus r goin 4 d nelliampathy trip aftr throwin away all d speculationz......
so evry1 do pray 4 a gud tour.....
n DO KEEP BLASTIN 2 D MAXXX>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Find out :: Why Bill Gates SOLD OFF Microsoft?!!....
Why Bill Gates SOLD OFF Microsoft?
Letter from Banta Singh to Mr.. Bill Gates of Microsoft
Subject: Problems with my new computer
Dear Mr. Bill Gates,
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice.
1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We request you to check this.
2. We find there is 'Run' in the menu. One of my friends clicked 'run' he ran up to Amritsar ! So, we request you to change that to 'sit', so that we can click that by sitting.
3. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
4. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this ' find' button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.
5. My child learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?
6. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon which shows 'MY Computer': when you will provide the remaining items?
7. It is surprising that windows says 'MY Pictures' but there is not even a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.
8. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I use the PC at home only.
9. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My Past Documents'?
10. You provide 'My Network Places'.. For God sake please do not provide 'My Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office hours.
Last one from me to Mr Bill Gates :
Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but u are selling WINDOWS?
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Delivering physics in games is no easy task. It's an extremely compute-intensive environment based on a unique set of physics algorithms that require tremendous amounts of simultaneous mathematical and logical calculations.
This is where NVIDIA® PhysX™ Technology and GeForce® processors come in. NVIDIA PhysX is a powerful physics engine which enables real-time physics in leading edge PC and console games. PhysX software is widely adopted by over 150 games, is used by more than 10,000 registered users and is supported on Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and PC.
In addition, PhysX is designed specifically for hardware acceleration by powerful processors with hundreds of cores. Combined with the tremendous parallel processing capability of the GPU, PhysX will provide an exponential increase in physics processing power and will take gaming to a new level delivering rich, immersive physical gaming environments with features such as:
- Explosions that cause dust and collateral debris
- Characters with complex, jointed geometries for more life-like motion and interaction
- Spectacular new weapons with incredible effects
- Cloth that drapes and tears naturally
- Dense smoke & fog that billow around objects in motion
The only way to get real physics with the scale, sophistication, fidelity and level of interactivity that dramatically alters your entertainment experience will be with one of the millions of NVIDIA PhysX-ready GeForce processors.*
*Note: NVIDIA will deploy PhysX on CUDA-enabled GPUs later this year. The exact models and availability will be announced in the near future.
The AGEIA PhysX accelerator is the world’s first dedicated physics processor designed to revolutionize the PC gaming experience with extreme physical gaming interactions for an unbelievably dynamic and realistic experience.
Today, the AGEIA PhysX processor is the key hardware element for optimized game physics. Its highly parallel, interactive PhysX cores are optimized for dynamic, large-scale, physics processing to accelerate physical motion and interaction at a scale and quality far beyond that of general purpose processors.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2.ellarum kadalil kali niruthi,....jnandu shalyam....ini kali bikil........ pillerude karyam paranjal,,,.....enda cheyya...vishnu keranam ennu ore vashi.....
4. posin at mornin....cmin bk frm vishnu's cool frnds,.,,adipoli posing!!!
fotography by MS..
Bought Play Station 2.
350 for joystick.
300 for memory stick.
3 games that work on my ps2 60 per disc.
Also bought Indiana Jones. Total 7400. Gotta play so making the post as short as possible. :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Yesterday, 23rd june, our exams finished. Last one being grafix we were little tensed. After exams we all namely the bULLS MANU VISAL HARI PARTHIV KD met at venus vihar..... We killed some time with Vishnu's new N82.... kidilan phone..... Makku was on his way back home from Kakkanadu...... so he couldn't reach on time..... we all set out with vishu's kari, fiaro, and KD's pulsan.... at angadi we met with Aswin.... we all went to cherai.... pokunna vazhi orupadu pravishyam palarkum vazhi thetti..... an the KD had to leave as his uncle asked him to do so.... pinne aarum ariyatha oru karyam..... hari aadyamai nammude koode bike oodichu...... pinne reached cherai by 10 in the eve..... Avide oru manushyanum undarunnilla... njangal maathram.... kidannu thakarthu... manu aswin vishnu and all was riding bikes oer the sand..... Wheeling, karakkaling he he..... pinne avidunnu ponnu .. way back woz a great deal for me..... i woz in fiaro.... avanmar ittu parappikunnente purakil onnu pidippichethan bhayangara padu prttu....athinte edayil oru patti vattam chadi.... chathu enna vichariche.... onnum pattila.... We had food from Ankamaly....and then came back through kalady.... Visal woz taking fiaro now... as they reached vishwajyothy , The fiire came from fiaros's silencer.... we spent a little time fro that and got home.... by 12.30... by this time makku informed that he couldn't come as his parents are not letting him out in that mid nite.... coz we all have to pretend to be good children to get permission to go to palakkad trip....... Pinne avidirunnu caroms kalichu, card kalichu, mobil "kalichu".... pinne kidannurangi.... nalla deep sleep... Makku and KD illatha karanam oru bahalam undarunilla..... athite ksheenam theerkan makku ravile ethi.. ellarem eneeppichu pinne oru bahalam aayirunnu...... left there by nine in the morn reached pbvr and then home.....
orupadu naal kudi vishnuvinte kude koodiyathinte santhoshavum, adutha divasam pokanirikkunna palakkad trip.nte pratheekshakalum planingukalumai ellavarum ravile avaravarude veetil kidannu sukhamayi URANGI....... Comment Plz
NB: sensitive content screened
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Dedication to the bULLS from Makku in Club FM.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
LOGO prakaashanam.........
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Kung Fu Panda. Got it at last
Also post some comments.
24th June : Day 1 - Go to Ernakulam buy a Playstation 2 and some games.
25th June : Day 2 - Go to Chenganasseri and visit my friend Tobin's house also checkout Parvathi Omanakuttan's, Miss India, house.
26th June : Day 3 - Palakkad trip is begginning tomorow gotta prepare for it. Buy stuff for the trip also prepare a good MP3 disc for the tour.
27th June : Day 4 - During a stampede you can do only one one thing go with the herd there is no turning back.
28th June : Day 5 - Party time with the bULLS. Coz its my birthday. And of course return home..
29th June : Day 6 - Rest at last. Heard Visal's friends from PARK is coming so gotta pay a visit and catch up with Sanu Play in my playstation. Take as much rest as possible.
30th June : Day 7 - Actually this is the day in which things never go the way I plan coz this day I have class. Yup baby class begins and vacation is over.
I won't be bored a bit in this vacation. Do you dare to plan your vacation ?
Friday, June 13, 2008
YAMAHA R-15 IS HERE BAbyyyyyy..>>>>>>>>>>

HEYY BULLZZZZ...........!!!
YAMAHA HAD LAUNCHED their purely perfomance-oriented bike R-15 yesterday...........!!!
ya man,sure its gona b tough time ahead 4 karizma n p-220........!!!
d looks r killing,........!!!
speculation of a " valichu ketal" design is rubbish.......!!! peromance details folows tis letzz VROOOOOOOOMMM>>>>!!!
{sure 2 burn a hol in pokt,at rs 97,225,ex:chennai}....
YZF-R15 @ M.S reports :
Yamaha YZF R15 is the first model for the Indian market designed in the true supersport image and featuring a high-level balance of enjoyable running performance on winding roads. Packed full of state-of-the-art technologies, the new YZF-R15 boasts performance worthy of a supersport model and a body design that evokes the image of the YZF-R series and gives visual expression to the quality of its ride. The YZF R15 is powered by 149.8cc Fuel Injected liquid cooled engine that will be producing an almost impossible 17bhp with maximum torque of 15 Nm at 7500rpm; which makes it like the most powerful bike under 200cc range and has a 6-speed Transmission. Yamaha is showcasing its potential for India with some real performance.
Fuel Efficiency
In order to maximize the efficiency of the fuel injector, which injects the optimum amount of fuel for different amounts of intake air, YZF-R15 is equipped with a large 3-liter air cleaner. The duct area of the intake duct was designed optimally to optimize the flow of intake air. Additionally, the use of a 4-valve combustion chamber (a combustion chamber with 2 intake and exhaust valves each) has allowed designers to layout the spark plug at the center of the combustion chamber for better flame propagation. This also increases the total valve area relative to the 2-valve chambers for improved intake/exhaust efficiency (volumetric efficiency). YZF-R15 is fitted with a hemispherical 4-valve combustion chamber, a configuration that allows intake and exhaust valves to be laid out in the smallest size possible.
Following are some performance figures of Yamaha R15:
1) 0-60km/h : 3.0 sec
2) 0-100km/h : 9.0 sec
3) Top speed : 145km/h
4) Fuel economy : Around 35-45kmpl
do comment on this guys....iam preparin a comparison test b/w YZF,KARIZMA N P220.....COMIN SOON.......
MAZHAKALAM experience....!!
Another monsoon season arrived,with cloudy days all around.4 me its a time 2 sit lazy in ma room gazin at th cloudy skies.
So 2 hav som change in mood ma frnd eldho and i planned a visit 2 kadakanadu -a beautiful village in d banks of 'muvatupuzhayaaru'..also hom 4 my aothr frnd jinson.its abt 10 km frm ma hom.
we started frm eldho's hom at abt 8 30 am on his bik,th sky vas stil dark..
but our 'anithig wil du attitude' ignored dem all... v ver cruising along d canal road nd reachd valayanchirangara. frm dr v took th main road 2 rubber park and frm ther v again tuk anothr canal road 2 reach mazhuvannur..the road was heavily damaged,eldho who vas in charge of th front seat had a tough time vit clutch and gear..(ma sitin comfortbly behind njoyin..).on th way nature welcomed us vit small showers.. finally v reached kadakanadu abt 9 15am..jinson nd his dog gav us a warm welcom.we didnt waste even a second aftr dat.
v tuk d bik and rushed 2 th nearby bank.on d way was long paddy filds[no krishi tis season],beautiful hills nd greenary everywhere. this village had always mesmerised me vit its natural beauty.
v tuk a dip in th river. hou!!! tat vas more coldr dan usual...d watr level had risen more than normal due 2 rain last night.
now onlyJinson told kayanad waterfalls is now active...
One word abt kayanad waterfalls :: a not so small waterfall were a large 'urava' created on the toop of a hill makin its way thru an 's' shaped cutings between d rocks nd finally having a steep fall makin the scene morepictureisique.
v didnt waste our time on dat ordinary river bank.v tuk d byk and reached kayanaadu 5km away.v climbed via d steep rocks parallel 2 d waterfall. dat was not so difficult since v had done
it befor.
now the real ordeal came..v now vant 2 explore the 's' shaped way.tat vas mor dark between d huge rocks and th force of water was smashing us to the steep and dangerous area..v do managed 2 advance some feets furthr bt d water was having some wild force along with slippary rocks underneath.we strived really hard but failed 2 advance further.
v vent bak 2 jinson's home had a nice lunch vit 'ootha' meen curry. nu time was around 3pm.Nu its time 4 th return..
The return trip was even more intrestin.jst aftr v advaced frm jinson hom heavy rain stuk us.frm kadakanad 2 rubber park rain vas at its full gear. our bik gav som
missin on th way but v managed 2 keep goin.v finally reached my hom around 4pm..
4 us that vas enugh 2 keep bisi 4 a day...went 2 bed nd had a nice sleep.....
This is a humble report of small trip made by me 2 hav som change in th borin days of tis monsoon season....
IF u guys also cum accrosss som intrestin situations lik tis...mak a post,tat vil b worth reading....
Peter 'THE BULL....4 THE BULLS..'
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Avasanam ente swapnagalum njanum mathram baaki..... swapnangale veenuranguuuu.... swargangale iniyuranguuuuu......... :-(
Friday, June 06, 2008
Disturb Me..........................!
So what i was saying is that everybody should disturb meeeeeeeeee okkkk......
Cal me at any time.............................
So that i can "CUT" ma Classez...................
Visit number 1024.
I also use this occasion to congratulate each and every one among the CYbER bULLS and thank them for this remarkable achievement. With this I would also like to add that Parthiv being the non-admin contributor having the highest number of posts among the above list of 6 active members has been granted admin privileges.
Cheers everyone.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
1000th Visit..
Monday, June 02, 2008
S2 Maths Xam.......
Sunday, June 01, 2008
CHECK OUT THE BANNER- Designed By Parthiv
on 30th as i was writing the physics exam i dozed.... i managed to keep me awake... but not too long.. i fell down.. i felt shy and looked around if any ones watching me..... i was happy that no one saw me sleep..... with that joy i had a look into ma answer paper....... it woz written like this....
"friends forever"....
thts the spirit... i'm thinkin of ma frins even during ma exams..... he he